The Executive Hire Show took place at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on 5th and 6th February 2020. This year was Armorgard’s 10th year attending the show and we brought along some of our most innovative and newly developed products.
Three things about Armorgard that you may not know:
- Armorgard manufactures more than just site boxes!
With a range of over 300 products, the Armorgard range varies from board trolleys to cutting stations. Although our site boxes are world-class, some visitors to our stand seemed to not realise the extent of our range. All products are available to hire, visit our website for access to the full range. Let’s help make workplaces safer, more secure and increase productivity.
- The LoadAll board trolley LA750-PRO is truly unique…
When we demonstrated the LA750-PRO to those who visited our stand, many were surprised at how clever the board trolley is. With adjustable clamps to secure large sheet materials and a telescopic handle for safer and easier manual handling, it is clear why the R&D team at Armorgard had upgraded the LoadAll range. The LA750-PRO’s ‘H’ frame and swivel wheels make manoeuvring through doorways and overall handling much easier, as seen by many who visited our stand.
- Safety is a key element of the CuttingStation with extractor unit
It’s a known fact that our original CuttingStation (SS7) helps with productivity (ease of cutting materials) and safety (cutting at working height, minimising HAVs and reducing noise pollution).
The Armorgard CuttingStation with extractor unit (SS7X) was designed specifically for cutting materials that may produce dust or other fine particles. Filtering 1,000 cubic metres of air per hour when used with the Husqvarna A1000 air scrubber, the SS7X enhances the safety of workers by reducing exposure to dust and the risk of long-term health respiratory problems. Those who visited our stand at the Executive Hire Show were shown all the benefits of the SS7X.
The products we took this year were: the TuffBank, InstaGate, FittingStor, Rubble Truck, BarroBox, Forma-Stor, CuttingStation with extraction unit, LoadAll board trolley (LA750-PRO) and our latest addition to the range, the PowerStation with 10 compartments.
Don’t worry if you missed us this time. Call us on 023 9238 0280 if you would like a visit from a member of our team or to take a closer look at any of our products.