Ready, get set, go!
In June, the Armorgard team came together to walk, run or cycle, all in aid of the Mates in Mind charity!
Mates in Mind is a leading UK charity raising awareness and addressing the stigma of poor mental health. They focus on construction, as well as many related sectors including transport, logistics, manufacturing, and others.
The rules were simple – we were split into teams of 6 and the challenge was to cover as many miles as possible.
Some of us chose to walk, others ran and a few of us jumped on their bikes to get their miles in. The competition got a little heated, with Business Development Manager, Perry, finishing the month having completed a total of 965 miles, and Strategic Sourcing Manager, David, hot on his “wheels” having done 958 miles in June.
Congratulations to the winning team, New’s Troopers, who achieved over 3,000 miles!
For every 10 miles, Armorgard donated £1.00 to the charity. We’re so proud to announce that as a company, we stepped a total of 14,371 miles, and raised a total of…
£1,437.18 for Mates in Mind!
Read more about the amazing work that Mates in Mind do here